35 Y / F with Fever and neck pain under evaluation

Unit 1 admission 

35 yr old female , daily wage labourer by occupation prese.ted to op with 
c/o fever since 1 week , 
High grade , a/w chills and rigors with generalised weakness , nausea , burning micturition+ 
Head ache and neck pain 
No cough , SOB 
Not a k/c/o HTN , DM

O/E : 
PR 99 bpm

BP 120/80 mmHg 

RR 22 cpm

Temp 100 F 
Grbs 121 mg/dl 
Spo2 99% room air 

CVS : 
S1 S2 heard , no murmurs 

RS : 
BAE + 

P/A : 
Soft , non tender 
Bowel sounds + 

Clinical images : 

Investigations : 

On 8/11/21 
CUE : 
Colour : pale yellow 
Appearance : clear 
Epi .cells : 2-3 
Pus cells 2-3 
Alb , sugar : Nil 

Hemogram : 
HB 10.3
TLC 8100 
L 47 
Plt 4.0 L 
PCV 32 % 
MCV 71.8 
Mch 22.7 

S electrolytes : 
Na 135
K 4.6 
Cl 95 
S creat 0.7 

TB 0.45
Db 0.16
Ast 27
Alt 40
Alp 282
TP 6.9
Alb 3.6
A/G 1.12 

Blood urea 17 
BGT O + 

On 9/11/21 

CXR : 
X Ray C spine : 

On 10/11/21

Provisional diagnosis : 

IVF NS RL 100 ml per hr 
INJ pan 40 mg /iv/od 
INJ neomol 100 ml if temp more than 101 F 
Tab PCM 500 mg / po/ tid 
INJ optineuron 1 ampule 100 ml. NS / iv / bd 

SOAP notes : 

Day 1 

Fever chart : 

S : No fever spikes 
 C/0 neck pain , generalised body pains 

O : Pt is conscious ,coherent, cooperative 

O/E : 
PR 78 bpm

BP 100 /80 mmHg 

RR 22 cpm

Temp 98.2  F 

Spo2 99% room air 

CVS : 
S1 S2 heard , no murmurs 

RS : 
BAE + 

P/A : 
Soft , non tender 
Bowel sounds + 

A : Fever under evaluation 

P : 
IVF NS RL 100 ml per hr 
INJ pan 40 mg /iv/od 
INJ neomol 100 ml if temp more than 101 F 
Tab PCM 500 mg / po/ tid 
INJ optineuron 1 ampule 100 ml. NS / iv / bd 

DAY 2 


S : No fever spikes 
 C/0 neck pain , generalised body pains 

O : Pt is conscious ,coherent, cooperative 

O/E : 
PR 72 bpm

BP 100 /80 mmHg 

RR 22 cpm

Temp 98.0  F 

Spo2 99% room air 

CVS : 
S1 S2 heard , no murmurs 

RS : 
BAE + 

P/A : 
Soft , non tender 
Bowel sounds + 

A : Fever under evaluation 

P : 
IVF NS RL 100 ml per hr 
INJ pan 40 mg /iv/od 
INJ neomol 100 ml if temp more than 101 F 
Tab PCM 500 mg / po/ tid 
INJ optineuron 1 ampule 100 ml. NS / iv / bd 
